What is Botox?

If lines and wrinkles are slowly beginning to define your face and are leaving you feeling discouraged about your appearance, we have good news: there is an answer. At Idaho Skin Institute in Chubbuck, ID, we are proud to offer a wrinkle relaxer(Botox, Xeomin,Dysport, and Juveau). This injectable offers a way to treat and correct the signs of aging and help you become the best version of yourself, minus the wrinkles.

What Is Botox?

Botox is a neuromodulator in an injectable form. It is administered with an ultra-fine needle into the muscles of the face to address the signs of aging. This injectable treats the signs of aging at the root cause: muscular movement. As we age, our skin becomes less pliable than it used to and collagen and elastin production begin to decrease with the aging process.

As a result, lines and wrinkles form from the repetitive movements of the muscles in the face. This injectable temporarily relaxes the muscles responsible for making expressions so that the skin can rest and lines and wrinkles can dissipate over time.

What Is Botox Used For?

Botox is a cosmetic injectable that qualifies as a form of anti-aging medicine. It is used to treat and correct the signs of aging that appear on the face in the form of lines and wrinkles. In the cosmetic world, it slows the signs of aging but it also has alternative uses in the medical world.

Cosmetic Uses

Botox is most commonly used to treat the signs of aging on the face. It is FDA-approved to treat and improve the appearance of moderate to severe lines on the forehead, lines that form at the outer corners of the eyes commonly referred to as crow’s feet, and frown lines that develop between the eyebrows, commonly referred to as 11s.

Medical Uses

In the medical world, doctors have started to use Botox as a way to help treat and alleviate symptoms associated with certain medical conditions. This injectable has provided many people with temporary pain relief from conditions that they previously just had to live with. Such injections are typically administered by a physician in line with a treatment plan that addresses the patient’s issues.

Some of the most common uses of this injectable in the medical world include:

How Long Do Treatments Take?

Typical treatments take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes depending on how many areas of the face you choose to have treated. These relatively quick appointment times make this treatment very accessible even for those with the busiest of schedules. You can schedule your appointments as needed since there is a very minimal amount of downtime associated with treatment.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

You will begin to notice results within a few days of your initial treatment. As the ingredients within the injectable begin to relax the muscles, your skin will also get a chance to finally relax and your lines and wrinkles will gradually start to disappear. You won’t walk out of your appointment looking like a completely different person but instead, your results will appear gradually and naturally over the seven to fourteen days following your treatment.

How Long Will Results Last?

On average, results last for approximately three to four months. For some, results will begin to fade around three months and for others, six months. The total amount of time that your results will last completely depends on how quickly your body metabolizes the ingredients within this injectable. Scheduling regular follow-up treatments are the best ways to maintain the most consistent looking results.


Will I Look Like a Different Person?

When performed correctly, Botox provides patients with very natural-looking results. Most people describe their appearance post-treatment as well-rested and youthful. However, your results depend on the expertise of your injector. For best results, you must choose an injector who has experience with Botox and understands the art of facial anatomy.

If you want to experience all that this treatment has to offer, don’t wait any longer. Smooth, wrinkle-free skin is just an appointment away. 


Kascie Russell, RN

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