Laser Treatments

Idaho Skin Institute
Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Chubbuck, Burley, & Twin Falls, ID
Clear vibrant skin is in reach thanks to recent developments in laser technology. At Idaho Skin Institute in Chubbuck, Burley, and Twin Falls , Idaho, the expert dermatology team uses advanced laser treatments to minimize the appearance of rosacea, spider veins, acne scars, and more. If you want to enhance the tone and texture of your skin without surgery or injections, call Idaho Skin Institute or book an appointment online now.
Laser Treatments Q & A
What are laser treatments?
Laser treatments use varying wavelengths of light to target and eliminate unwanted pigment in your skin. The team at Idaho Skin Institute proudly offers a variety of treatments with the state-of-the-art Cutera® Excel V laser. Using its proprietary technology, the Excel V incorporates two wavelengths — 532 nm and 1064 nm — to address even deep vascular lesions.
Which skin conditions do lasers treat?
The Cutera Excel V laser treats more than 20 unique skin concerns on all skin types, including:
- Rosacea
- Facial redness
- Port-wine stains
- Hyperpigmentation
- Cherry angiomas
- Enlarged pores
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Facial telangiectasias
- Spider veins
- Hemangiomas
- Leg veins
- Scars
If you’re tired of hiding behind various skin products and makeup, laser treatments can help you feel more comfortable in your natural skin while improving your overall confidence.
How do laser treatments work?
Lasers direct short, targeted pulses of light directly into the lesions you want to treat. The Cutera Excel V uses a unique green laser to precisely treat visible vessels and blemishes. Once the blood vessels in your skin absorb this light, they coagulate and reabsorb back into the body. During your body’s natural healing process, it gradually eliminates the treated pigment.
Do laser skin treatments hurt?
The Excel V’s advanced design delivers cooling treatments before, during, and after each pulse to provide the highest level of comfort, control, and safety. Most patients describe laser treatments as feeling like a rubber band snapping against their skin. The treatment delivers minimal discomfort and should not be painful.
How many laser treatments do I need?
How many laser treatments you need depends entirely on the size, thickness, and color of the pigmented area that you want to treat. You may see visible improvements after a single treatment. However, most people need at least two to eight laser treatments to achieve their desired results.
How long does it take to recover from laser treatments?
Laser skin therapy is a non-surgical technique that requires little to no downtime. Slight peeling, redness, mild pain, and swelling are normal side effects of laser treatments. You should notice significant improvements in your skin within the first week.
Laser treatment is a safe, effective therapy for a variety of skin conditions. To learn more, call Idaho Skin Institute, or schedule an appointment online today.